Injured In Utah

Utah Auto Law: What Is Whiplash?

Early researchers focused only on external motions of the body to study whiplash syndrome. However, recent studies have taken advantage of new technologies and techniques in studying whiplash. These studies have observed the following:

* Facet Joint Injury-Studies now document a correspondence between injury to spinal joints and 'referred' pain, i.e. pain which shows up in a spot other than the injury due to nerve distributions.
* Mechanics of Injury-Other studies document that a rear end impact (and other impacts) cause both compressing and sheering of the spinal column. Factors include:
o Head position
o Speed and size of cars involved
o Angle of collision
o Road conditions
o Gender-Women are at a much higher risk of injury, this may be due to anatomical differences or seating position.
o Occupant awareness
o Headrests-Many headrests are adjusted too low. A headrest should be adjusted so that it contacts the back of your head. If it is adjusted too low, it will act as a pivot against your neck and increase injury.
o Secondary impact-If the car struck from behind then impacts a car in front, this increases the acceleration/deceleration forces and may increase injury.

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If you are worried, have questions or concerns, call 1.877.359.8400 to speak with an attorney about your personal injury, wrongful death or medical malpractice case. Or, fill out a form for a free, confidential, no-obligation review by a lawyer.